Viola e un poco nervosamente, 2010


Percussion: Alessandro Bianchini

Piano:  Jacopo Mazzonelli

This performance found inspiration in Majakovskij’s poem Viola e un poco nervosamente, and is the result of collaboration with the Italian orchestra Jfutura of Trento. I was asked to “use” the musicians of the orchestra and the music as a language to make a work of art. A classic view point about music (which I share) is that music is the most intimate form of art, for it reach the depth of our body without cultural mediation. This made me wondering whether a reversion of this approach is possible, whether rather than being the receivers of this immediacy the body functions as the ultimate creator of a musical communication. This immediacy arises from the inner depth of the body, whether rather than receiving the music from outside is the music of the body to emerge and penetrate the external environment. I asked the musicians to play my body as it was a musical instrument, making an improvisation following the rhythm of my heart which was amplified electronically. Therein allowing my body and the music to merge into one surface.